APPLICATION: Refers to protocol software used in a real system as well as validation software written to validate the
API (Application Programming Interface): Describes the connection between this module and the user’s application code.
•DIV (Device Initialization Vector): Structure passed from the API to the device during initialization; it contains parameters that identify the specific modes and arrangements of the physical device being initialized.
•DDB (Device Data Block): Structure that holds the Configuration Data for each device.
•DSB (Device Status Block): Structure that holds the Alarms, Status, and Counts for each device.
MODULE: All of the code that is part of this driver, there is only one instance of this module connected to one or more
•MIV (Module Initialization Vector): Structure passed from the API to the module during initialization, it contains parameters that identify the specific characteristics of the driver module being initialized.
•MDB (Module Data Block): Structure that holds the Configuration Data for this module.
RTOS (Real Time Operating System): The host for this driver.
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