PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual


APPLICATION: Refers to protocol software used in a real system as well as validation software written to validate the S/UNI-4x622 driver on a validation platform.

API (Application Programming Interface): Describes the connection between this module and the user’s application code.

ISR (Interrupt-Service Routine): A common function for intercepting and servicing device events. This function is kept as short as possible because an Interrupt preempts every other function starting the moment it occurs and gives the service function the highest priority while running. Data is collected, Interrupt indicators are cleared and the function ended.

DPR (Deferred-Processing Routine): This function is installed as a task, at a user configurable priority, that serves as the next logical step in Interrupt processing. Data that was collected by the ISR is analyzed and then calls are made into the application that inform it of the events that caused the ISR in the first place. Because this function is operating at the task level, the user can decide on its importance in the system, relative to other functions.

DEVICE: ONE S/UNI-4x622 Integrated Circuit. There can be many devices, all served by this one driver module.

DIV (Device Initialization Vector): Structure passed from the API to the device during initialization; it contains parameters that identify the specific modes and arrangements of the physical device being initialized.

DDB (Device Data Block): Structure that holds the Configuration Data for each device.

DSB (Device Status Block): Structure that holds the Alarms, Status, and Counts for each device.

MODULE: All of the code that is part of this driver, there is only one instance of this module connected to one or more S/UNI-4x622 chips.

MIV (Module Initialization Vector): Structure passed from the API to the module during initialization, it contains parameters that identify the specific characteristics of the driver module being initialized.

MDB (Module Data Block): Structure that holds the Configuration Data for this module.

RTOS (Real Time Operating System): The host for this driver.

Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.


Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1


Page 130
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PMC-Sierra PM5358 S/UNI 4x622 manual List of Terms