| PM5358 | |
| Writing the K1K2 Byte: suni4x622LOHWriteK1K2 | 65 |
| Reading the K1K2 Byte: suni4x622LOHReadK1K2 | 66 |
| Writing the S1 Byte: suni4x622LOHWriteS1 | 66 |
| Reading the S1 Byte: suni4x622LOHReadS1 | 67 |
| Forcing Line AIS: suni4x622LOHForceAIS | 67 |
| Forcing B2 Error: suni4x622LOHForceB2 | 67 |
| Forcing Line RDI: suni4x622LOHForceRDI | 68 |
4.7 Path Overhead (RPOH, TPOH) | 68 | |
| Retrieving and Setting the Path Trace Messages: suni4x622POHTraceMsg | 69 |
| Writing the J1 Byte: suni4x622TPOHWriteJ1 | 69 |
| Writing the C2 Byte: suni4x622TPOHWriteC2 | 70 |
| Writing the New Data Flag Bits: suni4x622TPOHWriteNDF | 70 |
| Writing SS Bits: suni4x622TPOHWriteSS | 71 |
| Inserting a Pointer Value: suni4x622TPOHInsertTxPtr | 71 |
| Force Path | 71 |
| Forcing Pointer Justification: suni4x622TPOHForcePJ | 72 |
| Forcing Path RDI: suni4x622TPOHForceRDI | 72 |
| Forcing Path ERDI: suni4x622TPOHForceERDI | 73 |
| Forcing Path ARDI: suni4x622TPOHForceARDI | 73 |
| Forcing Path AIS: suni4x622TPOHForceAIS | 74 |
4.8 Payload Processor | 74 | |
| Setting Payload configuration parameters: suni4x622PyldCfg | 74 |
4.9 Interface Configuration | 75 | |
| Resetting the Receive/Transmit FIFO: suni4x622FIFOReset | 75 |
| Configuring the Receive and Transmit FIFO: suni4x622FIFOCfg | 75 |
| Configuring the System interface: suni4x622SysIntfCfg | 76 |
| Configuring the | 76 |
| Resetting the TFCLK DLL: suni4x622IntfSysResetTDLL | 77 |
| Resetting the RFCLK DLL: suni4x622IntfSysResetRDLL | 77 |
4.10 | Automatic Protection Configuration | 78 |
| Configuring APS Working/Protect Mate: suni4x622APSCfg | 78 |
| Configuring the Source Channel for the Given Channel Receive Path: |
| suni4x622RPCfg | 78 |
| Configuring the Source Channel for the Given Channel Transmit Path: |
| suni4x622TPCfg | 79 |
| Enable or disable the channel APS cross connect: suni4x622APSXcnntCfg | 79 |
| Resetting APS Receive Link: suni4x622APSResetRxLink | 79 |
| Resetting APS Transmit Link: suni4x622APSResetTxLink | 80 |
4.11 | Interrupt Service Functions | 80 |
| Configuring ISR Processing: suni4x622ISRConfig | 81 |
| Getting Device Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMask | 81 |
| Setting Device Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMask | 81 |
| Clearing Device Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMask | 82 |
| Getting SOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskSOH | 82 |
| Setting SOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskSOH | 83 |
| Clearing SOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskSOH | 83 |
| Getting LOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskLOH | 84 |
| Setting LOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskLOH | 84 |
| Clearing LOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskLOH | 85 |
| Getting RPOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskRPOH | 85 |
| Setting RPOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskRPOH | 86 |
Proprietary and Confidential to | 6 |
Document ID: |