Data Structures
This section describes the elements of the driver that configure or control its behavior, and should therefore be of interest to the application programmer. Included here are the constants, variables and structures that the
The following Constants are used throughout the driver code:
•SUNI4x622_MAX_DEVS: defines the maximum number of devices that can be supported by this driver. This constant must not be changed without a thorough analysis of the consequences to the driver code
•SUNI4x622_MOD_START, SUNI4x622_MOD_IDLE, SUNI4x622_MOD_READY: the three possible module states (stored in stateModule)
SUNI4x622_INACTIVE: the four possible device states (stored in stateDevice)
3.2Structures Passed by the Application
These structures are defined for use by the application and are passed as argument to functions within the driver. These structures are the Module Initialization Vector (MIV), the Device Initialization Vector (DIV) and the ISR mask.
Module Initialization Vector: MIV
Passed via the suni4x622ModuleOpen call, this structure contains all the information needed by the driver to initialize and connect to the RTOS.
•maxDevs is used to inform the driver how many devices will be operating concurrently during this session. The number is used to calculate the amount of memory that will be allocated to the driver. The maximum value that can be passed is SUNI4x622_MAX_DEVS (see section 3.1).
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