User Guide Polycom CX400 Cordless Phone
Symptom | Problem | Corrective Action |
There is no audio on the | Your Microsoft Office | Contact your system administrator to |
Polycom CX400 handset | Communication Server 2007 | ensure your account is configured in |
earpiece. | account may not be configured | Enterprise Voice mode. |
| correctly. |
There is no audio on the | The headset is not properly | Ensure that the headset is properly |
headset. | connected or turned on. Volume | connected. Ensure that the headset |
| may be set too low. | amplifier (if required for your headset) is |
| turned on and/or the volume is correctly |
| adjusted). |
Pressing the Speakerphone key | The Audio settings in your | Adjust the audio settings in Microsoft |
has no effect. The sound still | Microsoft Office Communicator | Office Communicator 2007 to ensure that |
comes out of the handset | 2007 client are not correct. | speaker audio is directed to your |
earpiece. |
| computer’s speakers. For more |
| information, refer to Configuring Microsoft |
| Office Communicator 2007 for Polycom |
| CX400 Cordless Phone on page |
The handset does not ring when | Normally, ringing sounds are | Adjust the audio settings in Microsoft |
a call arrives. The ringing sound | directed to the computer’s | Office Communicator 2007 to ensure that |
may actually be coming through | speakers, but the audio settings | speaker audio for general computer |
the handset's earpiece, but is too | in Microsoft Office | sounds is directed to your computer’s |
quiet to hear easily. | Communicator are not set | speakers. For more information, refer to |
| correctly. | Configuring Microsoft Office |
| Communicator 2007 for Polycom CX400 |
| Cordless Phone on page |
You can no longer hear general | Normally, ringing sounds are | Adjust the audio settings in Microsoft |
PC sounds through your PC's | directed to the computer’s | Office Communicator 2007 to ensure that |
speakers. All computer sounds | speakers, but the audio settings | speaker audio for general computer |
now seem to be directed to the | in Microsoft Office | sounds is directed to your computer’s |
handset’s earpiece | Communicator are not set | speakers. For more information, |
| correctly. | Configuring Microsoft Office |
| Communicator 2007 for Polycom CX400 |
| Cordless Phone on page |
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