If you choose not to print the test print, you will simply see the alignment dialog box and can enter values to move the image. The unit of measure is roughly 0.1mm. Making the Horizontal Calibration number smaller or more negative will move the image slightly to the left. Making the Horizontal Calibration a larger value, or more positive will move the image to the right. If the Vertical Calibration number is made smaller, or more negative the image will move slightly up. If the Vertical Calibration is set to a larger value, or more positive value, the image will move down on the disc.
While SureThing or Disc Cover will handle most labeling needs, other graphics programs can be used to design labels and print only directly to the Publisher.
When printing and burning through the PTPublisher software your Publisher will support the following additional stardard label image file formats: BMP, TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG and PRN.
These formats can be exported from most original graphics formats such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.
When creating images in other graphics programs we recommend creating a 4.72 x 4.72 square image that has a 300 dpi resolution.
Creating Discs 51