Disc Output Location
This can be set either Normal (Left Bin acts as output), or Kiosk (finished discs deposited out the Front Exit.) The default is Normal (Left Bin.) The kiosk setting in PTPublisher overrides this setting. Only set kiosk mode here if you are printing only from an application other than PTPublisher.
Enable Bi-di Printing
Set this option to Yes for faster printing that requires cartridge alignment. Set it to no for slower printing that does not require cartridge alignment.
Access the advanced printer driver setting from any printing program on the Mac. Go to file - print. Select Publisher Settings from the copies and pages drop down menu.
Note: The most common settings can be accessed directly from the print step of PTPublisher. If you adjust settings there you do not need to adjust them here. These settings do not typically need to be changed. They are for advanced users only.
The following is a description of the printer driver settings:
Cartridge to use
The Black and Color setting will use both cartridges when printing your image. Color will only use the Color Cartridge, and Black Only will only use the monochrome cartridge for printing.
Creating Discs 45