9 – Red Hat Linux Driver Installation |
Install or Update the Driver (Installed Operating | |
System) |
8.Copy the new kernel image to the boot directory. In the following example, newsmp is the label for the kernel image.
#cd arch/i386/boot
#cp bzImage /boot/newsmp
9.Modify the /etc/lilo.conf file to make the boot loader load a new image. For example:
root=/dev/hda5 (This is the location of the boot partition on your system.)
In the above example, the lines tell the Linux boot loader to load the new kernel image called newsmp in /boot and mount the root partition using device /dev/hda5.
10.Change default=linux or
11.Load the new boot configuration by typing the following:
The lilo program echoes the names of loadable kernels to the screen. For example:
newsmp *
12.Restart the system.
13.The new kernel image containing the qla2x00 driver is now the default boot image.
14.Type the following command to determine whether your custom kernel is loaded:
#cat /proc/version