Configuring the Bridge
3.5.3Configuration Options: 1 ... 5
These are your configuration options. Each option is described in detail in the following sections of this book:
H1) Network/IP Settings: See Section 3.6.
H2) Serial & Mode Settings: See Section 3.7.
H3) Modem Control Settings: See Section 3.8.
H4) Advanced Modbus Protocol Settings: See Section 3.9.
H5) Unit ID ±> IP Address Table: See Section 3.10.
3.5.4Viewing and Changing Configuration Parameters
When you view the Bridge's configuration parameters, you can retain their current values or change them.
Retaining the Current Value
In all cases, if you press <Enter> when the current value is displayed, you will retain the current value. For example, if the Bridge's current values are as shown below, pressing <Enter> at each field will retain that current value:
IP Address : (192) .(168) .(001) .(023)
Changing a Value
To change a value, type the new value into the field at the point shown on your screen. For example, to change the Bridge's IP address to:
IP Address : (192) .(168) .(001) .(023) 24
In this example, you would type the 24 immediately following the (023). Then press <Enter> for the Bridge to accept your entry.
3.5.5Commands: Default settings, Save, Quit without save
These are your commands:
HE D)efault settings: Restores the Bridge's factory±installed default settings for all parameters except the Ethernet IP settings.
HS S)ave: Stores the current settings into the Bridge's memory, and exits the configuration. The Bridge will restart immediately using the current settings.
HQ Q)uit without save: Exits the configuration. The Bridge will restart immediately using the settings it had prior to the last Save.