1.1Purpose and Scope
This Installation and Operations Guide is a comprehensive source of information about the DLT VS80 tape drive (internal and tabletop).
This manual provides all the information you need to install and use your internal tape drive or tabletop tape drive.
1.2Related Documents
DLT VS80 Tape Drive Product Specification
DLT1/VS80 SCSI Interface Guide
1.3Structure of this Manual
•Chapter 1, “Introduction,” is the chapter you are currently reading.
•Chapter 2, “Product Information,” provides a general overview of the product.
•Chapter 3, “DLT VS80 Installation,” explains how to configure and install your tabletop or internal tape drive.
•Chapter 4, “DLT VS80 Use,” explains how to use your tape drive.
•Chapter 5, “DLT VS80 Firmware,” explains how to update your tape drive’s firmware.
May 2004 |