RecoveryEasyTM, the latest QDI innovation, is able to protect the system from being destroyed, by creating a
Operation Process:
There are two hotkeys – Ctrl+Bksp and F12 for RecoveryEasy to enter “Partition” and “Recovery” user interfaces accordingly during BIOS booting up. If two or more hard disks are installed, use F5 key to choose the hard disk.
1.Partition Interface (see figure-1)
Users can create and delete partitions/mirror partitions, activate partitions, and uninstall RecoveryEasy in Partition User Interface.
figure-1 Partition Interface
1.0Install RecoveryEasy for the first time
a.The utility checks the previous disk partition at first, and displays the status of the first four partitions. If there are more than four disk partitions, users will be asked to delete the redundant disk partitions, since only four partitions that can be activated are allowed to exist. However, if there’re only four or fewer parti- tions, users can follow the system prompt and choose to install RecoveryEasy based on the previous disk partitions. In this way, the original extension parti- tions will be changed to normal ones, and probably the sequence of the parti- tions will be changed also, but the contents contained in each partition will remain the same.
Manual for PlatiniX 2 series