BIOS Description
#"Swap Floppy | Enabled |
Drive | Disabled |
#"Boot Up | On |
NumLock Status | Off |
#"Gate A20 Option | Normal |
| Fast |
#"Typematic Rate | Enabled |
Setting | Disabled |
#"Typematic Rate | |
(chars/sec) |
#"Typematic Delay | |
(Msec) |
#"Security Option | Setup |
| System |
#"OS Select For | |
DRAM>64MB | OS2 |
#"HDD S.M.A.R.T. | Enabled |
Capability | Disabled |
#"Flash Write | Enabled |
Protect |
| Disabled |
#"Show Bootup | Enabled |
Logo | Disabled |
#"Report NO FDD | Yes |
for WIN 95 |
| No |
#"Small Logo(EPA) | Enabled |
Show | Disabled |
If the system has two floppy drives, choose enable to assign physical drive B to logical drive A and
Keypad is used as number keys.
Keypad is used as arrow keys.
The A20 signal is controlled by the keyboard controller.
The A20 signal is controlled by Port92.
Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller - when enabled, the typematic rate and typematic delay can be selected.
The rate at which character repeats when you hold down a key.
The delay before keystrokes begin to repeat.
Select whether the password is required every time the system boot or only when you enter setup.
Select OS2 only if you are running OS/2 operating system with more than 64MB of RAM.
Enable hard disk S.M.A.R.T. support.
Invalidate this feature.
This option is for protecting the system BIOS from being attacked by severe virus such as CIH. Disable you to upgrade the BIOS.
Enable you to upgrade the BIOS.
The QDI logo will be shown when system bootup. The QDI logo will not be shown when system bootup.
Report NO Floppy Disk Drive for WIN 95 to release IRQ6.
Do not report No Floppy Disk Drive for WIN 95.
The EPA logo will be shown when system bootup. The EPA logo will not be shown when system bootup.
Manual for PlatiniX 2 series