Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 94 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
The Device Reset command enables the Host to reset an individual device without
affecting the other device on the same IDE cable. This command shall be accepted
when BSY or DRQ is set to one, DRDY is cleared to 0, or DMARQ is asserted. This
command shall be accepted when in Sleep mode. The command will never end in an
error condition.
Host Taskfile Registers—Inputs
Data Bits
Host Taskfile
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Features N/A N/A
Sector Count N/A N/A
Number N/A N/A
Byte Count
High N/A N/A
Byte Count
Low N/A N/A
Device/Head rsvd LBA rsvd DEV SAM LUN (not used)
Command command 08
Host Taskfile Registers—Outputs
Data Bits
Host Taskfile
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Error rsvd tag type (not supported) MCH ABRT EOM ILI 01
Sector Count ATAPI ‘signature’ 01
Number ATAPI ‘signature’ 01
Byte Count
High ATAPI ‘signature’ EB
Byte Count
Low ATAPI ‘signature’ 14
Device/Head rsvd LBA rsvd DEV SAM LUN (not used)
Status BSY RDY rsvd DSC DRQ Corr rsvd CHK 00