Chapter 7 Theory of operations
Page 122 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
Drive media (Travan minicartridges) The drive is designed to use Travan 40 cartridges. These small (approximately 2
inches by 3 inches by 0.4 inch) cartridges house 1650-Oersted Gamma Ferric Oxide
magnetic tape. Figure 19 shows a Travan minicartridge.
Figure 19
Travan minicartridge
The cartridge also provides for write protection so that existing data on the cartridge
is not overwritten. A write-protected cartridge allows the existing data to be read but
does not allow new data to be written to the tape. The position of the sliding write-
protect tab on the cartridge determines whether or not data can be written to the
tape. See chapter 4 for illustrations of the write-protect position.