Appendix A Glossary
Page 124 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
BSY Status register bit: device is busy
BUFFER Intermediate storage space used to hold data between two processes
that proceed at different rates.
OVERRUN A condition developed when the Host is unable to receive data at the
rate required by the tape streaming operation when reading.
UNDERRUN A condition developed when Host transmits or receives data at a rate
less than that required by the tape streaming operation when
MASTERING This is an implementation of DMA where a device other than the Host
processor is in control of the DMA hardware
BYTE A group of 8 binary (10 GCR) bits operated on as a unit.
CABLE SELECT This is a signal within the IDE cable. It may optionally be used to
determine the logical addresses of devices connected to the cable.
CANCELMARK A "negative" Filemark or Setmark. When a Cancelmark follows as the
first block in the next frame after a Filemark or Setmark, the drive when
reading the tape will logically ignore the Cancelmark and the Filemark
or Setmark it cancels.
CARTRIDGE A Travan cartridge or DC2000 Minicartridge containing 8-mm wide
magnetic tape wound on two co-planar hubs and driven by an internal
belt which is coupled by an internal belt capstan to the external drive.
The term may also refer to a cartridge enclosing a cleaning tape.
CDB Command Descriptor Block
CHIPSET A set of electronic devices that provide critical bus connection and
protocol functions on the motherboard of a computer.
CHK Status register bit: a Check Condition (error) has occurred
COD BIT Interrupt Reason register bit: Command / Data. 1=Command. 0=Data
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Check. A two byte code derived from information
contained in the data block and block number byte and recorded after
the data block and block number byte for Read and Read After Write
CSA Canadian Standard Association
DATA BLOCK A block containing user valid data in its data field
COMPRESSION The process of removing redundant data from a data stream before
recording the data to tape. Compressed data requires less storage
space than uncompressed data.
DENSITY The maximum allowable flux transitions per unit length for a specific
recording standard.
DEV BIT ATAPI Drive/Head register bit: Device selector. 1=select drive 1
(slave). 0=select drive 0 (master)