Word(s) Starting Offset
Description of Contents
Value (hex)
85 AA Command and feature sets enabled.
If words 82 and 83=0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification is not enabled.
15 1=IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA command is enabled
14 1=NOP command is enabled
13 1=READ BUFFER command is enabled
12 1=WRITE BUFFER command is enabled
11 1=WRITE VERIFY command is enabled
10 1=Host Protected Area feature set is enabled
9 1=DEVICE RESET command is enabled
8 1=SERVICE interrupt is enabled
7 1=release interrupt is enabled
6 1=look-ahead is enabled
5 1=write cache is enabled
4 1=PACKET command feature set is enabled
3 1=Power management feature set is enabled
2 1=Removable Media feature set is enabled
1 1=Security Mode feature set is enabled
0 1=SMART feature set is enabled
86 AC Command sets supported.
If words 82 and 83=0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification is not supported.
15 shall be cleared to 0
14 shall be set to one
13-3 reserved
2 1=Compact Flash feature set is enabled
1 1=Read/Write DMA QUEUED command is enabled
0 1=DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command is enabled
87 AE Command set/feature enabled default.
If words 82, 83, and 84 = 0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification extension
is not supported.
15 shall be cleared to 0
14 shall be set to one
13-0 reserved
88 B0 Supported and selected UltraDMA modes
(not supported)
15-11 reserved
10 1=UltraDMA mode 2 is selected
9 1=UltraDMA mode 1 is selected
8 1=UltraDMA mode 0 is selected
7-3 reserved
2 1=UltraDMA mode 2 and below are supported
1 1=UltraDMA mode 1 and below are supported
0 1=UltraDMA mode 0 is supported
89 B2 Time required for Security erase unit completion
(not supported) 0000
90 B4 Time required for Enhanced security erase unit completion
(not supported) 0000
91 Current advanced power management value 0000
92 Master Password Revision Code 0000