Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 34 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
LOAD/UNLOAD Command (EOT, RET and LOA Bits)
Initial State EOT RET LOA Action Final State
Loaded, Ready 0 0 0 Position to BOT and set Unload
status Unloaded, Not Ready
Loaded, Ready 0 0 1 Position to BOT Ready
Loaded, Ready 0 1 0 Retension, Position to BOT and set
Unload status Unloaded, Not Ready
Loaded, Ready 0 1 1 Retension and Position to BOT Ready
Loaded, Ready 1 0 0 Set Unload status Unloaded, Not Ready
X 1 X 1 Check Condition, Illegal Request Same as Initial
Loaded, Ready 1 1 0 Retension and set Unload status Unloaded, Not Ready
Unloaded, NR X X 0 Check Condition, Not Ready Unloaded, Not Ready
Unloaded, NR 0 0 1 Load cartridge and Position to BOT Ready
Unloaded, NR 0 1 1 Load cartridge, Retension and
Position to BOT Ready
Additional Sense Bits: CNI—Cartridge Not in Place, WP—Cartridge Write
Protected, EOM—End-of-Media, BOM—Beginning-Of-Media.
NOTE: Log Select page 32h (byte 17h bit 4) defines the action of the UNLOAD
command. If the bit is 1, the Unload command will eject the cartridge. If the
bit is 0, the Eject button must be pushed to eject the cartridge.
NOTE: If a cartridge has been ejected but not removed from the drive, a LOAD
command will draw the cartridge into the drive.