ATAPI Interface Chapter 5
Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual Page 59
MRIE (Default set to 0x3): This field indicates the method used by the target to
report informational exception conditions (note that this is standard SCSI terminology
and is not related in any way to the “Information” severity level for the flags). The
priority of reporting informational exception conditions is vendor specific. If the
informational exception condition was generated by an event that caused a real
Check Condition to occur, then this real Check Condition will over-ride (i.e. be used
instead of) the Check Condition defined in MRIE modes 0x1 to 0x5. The values
defined for this field are:
0×0: No reporting of informational exception conditions. This method
instructs the device server to not report information exception conditions
0×1: Asynchronous Event Reporting. This method instructs the device server
to report information exception conditions by using the rules for asynchronous event
reporting as described in the SCSI-3 Architecture Model and the relevant protocol
standard. The Sense Key shall be set to RECOVERED ERROR and the additional
Sense Code shall indicate the cause of the information exception condition (which is
5D00 for a TapeAlert event).
0×2: Generate Unit Attention. This method instructs the device server to report
information exception conditions by returning a Check Condition status on the next
SCSI command (excluding Inquiry and Request Sense) after an informational
exception condition was detected. The Sense Key shall be set to Unit Attention and
the additional Sense Code shall indicate the cause of the information exception
condition (which is 5D00 for a TapeAlert event). The command that has the Check
Condition shall NOT be executed before the informational exception condition is
reported (and thus needs to be repeated).
0×3: Conditionally generate Recovered Error. This method instructs the device
server to report information exception conditions, if reporting of recovered errors is
allowed, by returning a Check Condition status on the next SCSI command
(excluding Inquiry and Request Sense) after an informational exception condition
was detected. The Sense Key shall be set to RECOVERED ERROR and the
additional Sense Code shall indicate the cause of the information exception condition
(which is 5D00 for a TapeAlert event). The command that has the Check Condition
shall complete without error before any exception condition may be reported (and
thus does NOT need to be repeated).
0×4: Unconditionally generate Recovered Error. This method instructs the
device server to report information exception conditions, regardless of the value of
the per bit of the error recovery parameters mode page, by returning a Check
Condition status on the next SCSI command (excluding Inquiry and Request Sense)
after an informational exception condition was detected. The Sense Key shall be set
to Recovered Error and the additional Sense Code shall indicate the cause of the
information exception condition (which is 5D00 for a TapeAlert event). The command
that has the Check Condition shall complete without error before any exception
condition may be reported (and thus does NOT need to be repeated).
0×5: Generate No Sense. This method instructs the device server to report
information exception conditions by returning a Check Condition status on the next
SCSI command (excluding Inquiry and Request Sense) after an informational
exception condition was detected. The Sense Key shall be set to No Sense and the
additional Sense Code shall indicate the cause of the information exception condition
(which is 5D00 for a TapeAlert event). The command that has the Check Condition
shall complete without error before any exception condition may be reported (and
thus does NOT need to be repeated).