Word(s) Starting Offset
Description of Contents
Value (hex)
49 62 Capabilities:
15 1=interleaved DMA support
14 1=command queuing supported
13 1=overlap operation supported
12 1=ATA software reset required (obsolete)
11 1=IORDY supported (must be set if device supports
PIO mode 3 or higher)
10 1=IORDY may be disabled (via the SET FEATURES
9 1=LBA supported
8 0=DMA supported
7-0 vendor specific
50 64 reserved 0000
51 66 15-8 PIO data transfer mode number
00h PIO mode 0
01h PIO mode 1
02h PIO mode 2
03h-FFh reserved
7-0 vendor specific
52 68 reserved 0000
53 6A Indicates which optional words are valid:
15-3 reserved
2 1=the fields reported in word 88 are valid
1 1=the fields reported in words 64-70 are valid
0 1=the fields reported in words 54-58 are valid
54-62 6C reserved for ATA devices 0000
63 7E Only one mode may be selected at a time. If an UltraDMA mode is selected,
then bits 15-8 must be 0.
multiword DMA transfer MODE SELECTed
15-11 reserved
10 1=multiword DMA mode 2 is selected
9 1=multiword DMA mode 1 is selected
8 1=multiword DMA mode 0 is selected
multiword DMA transfer modes supported
7-3 reserved
2 1=multiword DMA mode 2 is supported
1 1=multiword DMA mode 1 is supported
0 1=multiword DMA mode 0 is supported
64 80 15-8 reserved
advanced PIO transfer modes supported
7-2 reserved
1 1=PIO mode 4 is supported
0 1=PIO mode 3 is supported
65 82 15-0 minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (nanosecs)
multiword DMA mode 2: 120 = 0078h
multiword DMA mode 1: 150 = 0096h
multiword DMA mode 0: 480 = 01E0h
66 84 15-0 manufacturer’s recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time
(nanosecs) 01E0
67 86 15-0 minimum PIO transfer cycle time without IORDY flow control (nanosecs)
PIO mode 4: 120 = 0078h
PIO mode 3: 180 = 00B4h
PIO mode 2: 240 = 00F0h
PIO mode 1: 383 = 017Fh
PIO mode 0: 600 = 0258h
68 88 15-0 minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control (nanosecs) 00B4
69-70 8A reserved 0000