Word(s) Starting Offset
Description of Contents
Value (hex)
71 8E 15-0 typical time (3 sigma) from receipt of Packet command to release
(not supported)
72 90 15-0 typical time (3 sigma) from receipt of Service command to BSY cleared to 0
(not supported)
73-74 92 reserved 0000
75 96 Queue depth (not supported)
15-5 reserved
4-0 maximum queue depth supported
76-70 98 reserved 0000
80 A0 Major version number
15-5 reserved
4 1=supports ATA/ATAPI-4
3 1=supports ATA-3
2 1=supports ATA-2
1 1=supports ATA-1
0 reserved
81 A2 Minor version number
000Fh =ATA/ATAPI-4 T13 1153D revision 7 000F
82 A4 Command and feature sets supported.
If words 82 and 83=0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification is not
15 1=IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA command is supported
14 1=NOP command is supported
13 1=READ BUFFER command is supported
12 1=WRITE BUFFER command is supported
11 1=WRITE VERIFY command is supported
10 1=Host Protected Area feature set is supported
9 1=DEVICE RESET command is supported
8 1=SERVICE interrupt is supported
7 1=release interrupt is supported
6 1=look-ahead is supported
5 1=write cache is supported
4 1=PACKET command feature set is supported
3 1=Power management feature set is supported
2 1=Removable Media feature set is supported
1 1=Security Mode feature set is supported
0 1=SMART feature set is supported
83 A6 Command sets supported.
If words 82 and 83=0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification is not
15 shall be cleared to 0
14 shall be set to one
13-3 reserved
2 1=Compact Flash feature set is supported
1 1=Read/Write DMA QUEUED command is supported
0 1=DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command is supported
84 A8 Command set/feature supported extension.
If words 82, 83, and 84 = 0000h or FFFFh, then command set notification extension
is not supported.
15 shall be cleared to 0
14 shall be set to one
13-0 reserved