Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 50 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
6 DU The Disable Update bit must be set to 0, indicating the drive
updates parameter values for all events.
DS The Disable Save bit is always set to 1, indicating the drive
does not save parameter values.
TSD The Target Save Disable bit is always set to 0 indicating the
drive defines a method for saving log parameters.
ETC The Enable Threshold Comparison bit is always set to 0,
indicating comparison to the threshold value is not performed
whenever the cumulative value is updated.
TMC The Threshold Met Criteria bits are used with the ETC bit and
are always set to 00b.
LP The List Parameters bit is always set to 1.
7 Parameter Length Set to 04h, indicating 04 bytes of parameter data.
8-9 Existing Check-Sum 2-byte check-sum value that is hard coded in the firmware and
stored in the EEPROM.
0B Calculated Check-Sum 2-byte check-sum value that is calculated when this Log
Sense page is requested.
NOTE: When the existing and calculated check sums are equal, the firmware load was successful. NOTE: The existing check sum is saved into EEPROM.