Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 42 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
NOTE: When a flag is cleared by reading the TapeAlert Log page, a flag cannot be
set again until the error condition is removed (e.g., the specified corrective
action has been taken). So, for example, if the cartridge in the drive is not
data grade, once flag 8 has been cleared by the Host software reading the
Log page it cannot be set again until the cartridge has been removed. All
other methods of clearing allow the flag to be set again.
There are three types of flags, listed below in order of increasing severity:
Severity Urgent User
Intervention Risk of Data
Loss Explanations
Critical X X
Warning X X
Information X
The definitions of the 64 alert flags in the Log page vary depending on the device
type. The following table details ONLY those TapeAlert error flags supported by the
Seagate STT3401A drive.
The tape drive/autoloader flag definitions are grouped as follows:
• Flags 1 to 19: For tape drive write/read management
• Flags 20 to 25: For cleaning management
• Flags 26 to 39: For tape drive hardware errors
• Flags 40 to 64: For tape autoloader errors
TapeAlert Flags
No. Flag Type Required Host Message Cause
1 Read
Warning W The tape drive is having problems reading data.
No data has been lost, but there has been a
reduction in the performance of the tape.
The drive is having severe
trouble reading.
2 Write
Warning W The tape drive is having problems writing data. No
data has been lost, but there has been a reduction
in the capacity of the tape.
The drive is having severe
trouble writing.
3 Hard Error W The operation has stopped because an error has
occurred while reading or writing data that the drive
cannot correct.
The drive had a hard read or
write error.
4 Media C Your data is at risk:
1. Copy any data you require from this tape.
2. Do not use this tape again.
3. Restart the operation with a different tape.
Media can no longer be
written/read, or performance is
severely degraded.
5 Read Failure C The tape is damaged or the drive is faulty. Call the
tape drive supplier helpline. The drive can no longer read
data from the tape.
6 Write Failure C The tape is from a faulty batch or the tape drive is
1. Use a good tape to test the drive.
2. If the problem persists, call the tape drive
The drive can no longer write
data to the tape.