ATAPI Interface Chapter 5
Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual Page 77
Sense Key
(hex value)
not the same as the physical EOM.
9 Vendor
Unique This Sense Key is available for reporting vendor unique
conditions (Not Used).
A Copy
Aborted A COPY command was aborted due to an error on the
source or destination device (Not Supported).
B Aborted
Command The drive aborted the command either at the request of the
Initiator or due to a hardware failure, such as the removal of
a cartridge during a read or write operation. The Initiator
may recover by trying the command again.
C Reserved (Not Used)
D Volume
Overflow The physical End-of-Media has been reached. The data
remaining in the buffer may be read with a Recover Buffer
Data command.
E Miscompare Indicates that the source data did not match the data read
from the media.
F Reserved Reserved
Sense Code (ASC) and ASC Qualifier Assignments Sense Key
00 00 00 Normal
00 00 00 Illegal length
00 00 00 Busy
00 00 00 Command failed because of reservation conflict
00 00 01 Filemark found
00 00 02 Early EOM detected
00 00 04 Blank check (EOD reached)
00 00 06 SCSI terminated I/O message response
00 5D 00 Tape Alert - no sense
01 5D 00 Tape Alert- triggered by previous command
02 04 01 Not ready, but is coming ready
02 30 02 Unknown cartridge type or cartridge type is incompatible (ex.
compressed data on tape, but compression hardware option
not installed)
02 3A 00 No media in drive
02 3A 00 Media is present, but is not ready
03 0C 00 Media error on write command
03 11 00 Media error on read command
03 30 00 Write denied due to incompatible cartridge type
04 02 00 Seek error, failed to reach target track
04 3F 02 Bad checksum detected while attempting to update flash
04 40 00 Power On Self Test failed