Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 72 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
BOP: The Beginning Of Partition bit, if set to 1, indicates that the logical unit is at the
beginning-of-partition in the current partition.
EOP: The End Of Partition bit, if set to 1, indicates that the logical unit is at the end-
of-partition in the current partition.
BPU: A Block Position Unknown bit of 1 indicates that the first and last block
locations are not known or cannot be obtained.
Partition Number: The Partition Number reports the current partition position. 00h
indicates the Data partition, 01h indicates the Directory Partition.
First Block Location: The First Block Location reports the current tape block
address (i.e., the next to be read to the Host for READ command).
Last Block Location: The Last Block Location reports the last tape block address to
be written to tape from the buffer for the WRITE command. This field is 0 if the
previous command was READ, VERIFY, SEEK, SPACE, or LOCATE.