ATAPI Interface Chapter 5
Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual Page 95
This command shall perform the internal diagnostic tests implemented by the device.
The DEV bit in the Device/Head register is ignored. Both devices, if present, shall
execute this command regardless of which device is selected.
If the Host issues an EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command while a device is
in or going to a power management mode except Sleep, then the device shall
execute its EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC sequence.
Error information is returned as a diagnostic code in the Error register.
Host Taskfile Registers—Inputs
Data Bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Features N/A N/A
Sector Count N/A N/A
Number N/A N/A
Byte Count
High N/A N/A
Byte Count
Low N/A N/A
Device/Head rsvd LBA rsvd DEV SAM LUN (not used)
Command command 90
Host Taskfile Registers—Outputs
Data Bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Error diagnostic code (see below) 01
Sector Count ATAPI ‘signature’ 01
Number ATAPI ‘signature’ 01
Byte Count
High ATAPI ‘signature’ EB
Byte Count
Low ATAPI ‘signature’ 14
Device/Head ATAPI ‘signature’ 00
Status BSY RDY rsvd DSC DRQ Corr rsvd CHK 00