Chapter 5 ATAPI Interface
Page 112 Seagate Travan 40 Product Manual
STANDBY (ATA Command E2)
This command is accepted but performs no function. This command causes the
device to enter the Standby mode.
If the Sector Count register is non-0, then the Standby timer shall be enabled. The
value in the Sector Count register shall be used to determine the time programmed
into the Standby timer.
If the Sector Count register is 0, then the Standby timer is disabled.
Host Taskfile Registers—Inputs
Data Bits
Host Taskfile
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Features N/A N/A
Sector Count Standby timer setting:
00h timeout disabled
01h-F0h timeout= (value * 5) sec
F1h-FBh timeout= ( (value-240) * 30) min
FCh timeout= 21 minutes
FDh timeout= period between 8 and 12 hours
FEh reserved
FFh timeout= 21 min 15 sec
Number N/A N/A
Byte Count
High N/A N/A
Byte Count
Low N/A N/A
Device/Head rsvd LBA rsvd DEV SAM LUN (not used)
Command command E2
Host Taskfile Registers—Outputs
Data Bits
Host Taskfile
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HEX
Error rsvd tag type (not supported) MCH ABRT EOM ILI 00
Sector Count N/A N/A
Number N/A N/A
Byte Count
High N/A N/A
Byte Count
Low N/A N/A
Device/Head rsvd LBA rsvd DEV SAM LUN (not used)
Status BSY RDY rsvd DSC DRQ Corr rsvd CHK 40 or 50