Operation with a Fist Microphone
Receiving an Individual Ship's Call
When an Individual Ship's Call is received, the radio automatically enters
DSC mode if you are currently on a selected working channel, in the
Monitor mode, or in the Scan mode.
If a received signal is confirmed to be addressed to your own station, an
acknowledging signal is sent back. If the received signal is not addressed
to your own station, the unit remains in its previous mode without sending
an acknowledging signal.
When receiving Individual Ship's Call
1. If your station is targeted for an Individual Ship's Call, a tone sounds
and the unit automatically switches to DSC mode. TX flashes on the
LCD and one of the following categories of Individual Ship's Calls
flashes in the small number display:
"Ir" for ROUTINE Individual Ship's Call
"IS" for SAFETY Individual Ship's Call
"IU" for URGENCY Individual Ship's Call
2. To acknowledge the incoming Individual Ship's Call, press the PTT
key. The acknowledge is transmitted and your RAY215 automatically
selects the working channel specified by the originating ship or station.
3. If you do not wish to acknowledge the call, press the 16/9 key to exit
the DSC mode.
Receive Individual Ship's Call:
Routine, Safety, or Urgency
Acknowleging the call
Not acknowleging the call