2.6Size of paging file
Windows can simulate more memory than physically available in the machine. The additional memory is simulated by means of a paging file on the harddisk. Please make sure that the size of this paging file is set correctly, minimum 300Mb, maximum size 500Mb.
How to set/check?
Goto the 'control panel' and start the 'System' applet, select the 'Performance' tab and set/check the minimum and maximum values.
2.7PC bios setting
Unlike Windows '95, Windows NT 4.0 is not a
How to set/check?
NOTE: This procedure will work on many Mainboards, systems like DELL, Compaq etc. have their own way of entering the BIOS setup and BIOS settings. Some systems do not offer this setting or it is located at a different location as described below.
•Look for the PCI/PNP settings
•Check if there is a setting like 'PnP aware OS' or 'PnP enabled OS', change this setting to 'No' or 'Disabled'.
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