4.6rfxServer will not start
Due to an error of some kind it is possible that rfxServer will not start. In this case, the Services applet will show an error message approx.
To find the reason why the rfxServer will not start, you can select one of the
3 options below:
See if the Littlebear driver is started (is a A741 Repro PCI card installed in the system??) (see chapter 4.5, Starting (stopping) Littlebear driver and rfxServer)
•Look in the event log file for a possible reason (see chapter: 4.7, Use of the Event log)
•Start the rfxServer from in a DOS box
♦Open the 'Program Files\A741 Repro System' directory
♦Create a shortcut to rfxServer
♦Select the properties of this shortcut
♦Add the command switch
♦Close and then
Note: rfxServer will produce a lot of internal messages, some which may look like errors. Only start rfxServer in this way if there are real problems or if instructed to do so.
A741 | 18 | Print Server Manual |