This slot gives
This slot works
QDI Legend V, Pentium II motherboard
4.4.4Each time I re-boot the Server PC, rfxServer will not start
If this problem occurs immediately at boot time, delete all files in the 'X:\Program Files\A741 Repro System\Local Spool' directory. Here the Local Client program will store print jobs. At startup time, the server looks in this directory for print jobs. If it find a job it will immediately start processing this job. If this job contains a problem of some sort, the server might crash or produce wrong output immediately at startup time. To fix this problem delete all files in the 'Local Spool' directory before
If the problem occurs when the Server PC is switched to the Network printing mode, delete the (problem) file(s) in the 'Network Spool' directory.
4.5Starting (stopping) Littlebear driver and rfxServer
Normally the Littlebear device driver and Server program are started automatically when the Server PC is (re)booted. It may however be necessary to start or stop one of these components manually.
To start or stop one of the components use:
Littebear driver: | 'Control panel |
rfxServer: | 'Control panel |
Print Server Manual | 17 | A741 |