4.Thread the locking clip onto both belts , placing it as close to the latch plate as possible.
5.Buckle the belt again. It may be necessary to press the Sit’n’Stroll™ into the auto seat cushion to get it buckled.
6.Secure the top tether to the tether anchor in the vehicle if desired.
7.Be sure the back of the Sit’n’Stroll™ is at a
8.Lift up on the Sit’n’Stroll™ to check that it is securely tightened. The belt should be tight around the restraint. If it is not, remove the locking clip and repeat steps
Installing the Sit’n’Stroll™ in theVehicle
The Sit’n’Stroll™ is equipped with two belt paths for use forward facing. The path best suited for your child is determined by their height and weight.
♦If your child is taller than 33 inches and weighs over 28 pounds, the vehicle seat belt should be secured in the upper
♦If your child is under 33 inches and weighs less than 28 pounds, the vehicle seat belt should be secured in the lower
Use the vehicle belt path based upon your child’s height and weight.
If, after installing the Sit’n’Stroll™ , it is not tight enough, move it to another seating location. If it still cannot be secured tightly, contact your vehicle dealer and request that a manual seat belt system be installed.