Clearing Voicemail Notifications

When you have new voicemail, your phone alerts you by displaying an icon in the Status bar, and, depending on your settings, by playing sound and vibration. If you want to remove the icon from the Status bar, use the Clear notifications option.

1.From the Home screen, swipe downward from the top of the screen to display the Notifications panel.

2.Tap Clear from the Notifications field to clear voicemail notifications.

Google Talk

Chat with other Google Talk users.

Note: Talk requires that you have a Google account set up on your phone. For more information, see “Setting Up Your Accounts” on page 44. If you set up your Google account, you are automatically logged in.

From the Home screen, select Apps Talk.

Google+ Messenger

Chat with other Google+ members. When accessing Google+ Messanger, Hangouts is seen.

From the Home screen, select Apps Messenger.

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Samsung GH68-39988A manual Google+ Messenger, Clearing Voicemail Notifications, Chat with other Google Talk users