before recording

The above figures are measured under Samsung’s standard recording test conditions and may differ depending on actual use.

The DVD camcorder provides three quality options for movie recordings: “Super Fine,” “Fine” and “Normal.” The higher the quality setting, the more memory is used.

The compression rate increases when choosing lower quality settings. The higher the compression rate is, the longer the recording time will be. However, the picture quality will be lower.

Memory cards of bigger than 8GB in capacity may not work properly.

The maximum size of a movie (MPEG2) file that can be recorded at one time is 4GB.

You can store up to 999 movie images on a memory card.

Movie image files recorded on other equipment are not playable on this DVD camcorder.

To check the remaining memory capacity

Slide the POWER switch downward to turn off the power, then press the Display ( ) / iCHECK button. page 26

38_ English


T 以上數字由 Samsung 在標準錄製測量條件下測得,並且可能因實際使 用情況而異。

DVD 攝錄放影機為影片錄製提供三種品質選項:「Super Fine」、「Fine」 和「Normal」。品質設定越高,使用的記憶體就越多。

在選擇較低的品質設定時,壓縮率會增大 。壓縮率越大,錄製時間將越 長。但是,畫面品質將會降低。

容量高於 8GB 的記憶卡可能無法正常操作。

可一次錄製的影片 (MPEG2) 檔案的最大尺寸為 4GB.

您可以在記憶卡上儲存多達 999 張影片影像。

透過其他設備錄製的影片影像檔案在此 DVD 攝錄放影機上無法播放。

POWER 開關向下滑動關閉電源,然後按下顯示 ( ) / iCHECK 按鈕。26
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