disc management

The fi nalise function is not available at the battery level under ( ).

Once fi nalised, the movie images or playlists in the disc cannot be deleted or edited.

Time required for fi nalizing may differ by disc type.
Refer to page 8 for fi nalised disc compatibility.

Playback is not guaranteed in all DVD players/recorders/drives. For compatibility details, refer to your DVD players/recorders/drives owner’s manual.

Once the DVD-R/+R DL disc is fi nalised, you cannot re-record it in the DVD camcorder.

You may play back DVD+RW discs on other devices without fi nalizing them.

You can not make an additional recording on a DVD-RW disc without unfi nalizing it after it is fi nalised.

Playing back on a PC with a DVD drive


最終化功能在電池電量低於 ( ) 級別時不可用。
有關終結的光碟相容性,請參閱第 8 頁。

不能保證在所有 DVD 播放機 / 攝錄放影機 / 磁碟機中都能播放。有關相 容性的詳細資訊,請參閱您的 DVD 播放機 / 攝錄放影機 / 磁碟機使用者 手冊。

終結 DVD-R/+R DL 光碟後,您無法在 DVD 攝錄放影機中重新錄製。
無須終結便可在其他裝置上播放 DVD+RW 光碟。
終結後,未經取消終結便無法在 DVD-RW光碟上進行其他錄製。
透過 DVD 光碟在電腦上播放
The DVD disc can be played on a PC with a DVD running media (DVD drive).
1.Turn on your PC.
2.Insert a fi nalised disc into the DVD drive of the PC.
DVD playback application software starts and the disc will play.

If DVD playback application does not start automatically, run the application by navigating through the start menu.

Use a DVD drive compatible with 3 1/2 inch (8cm) disc.
The recorded fi les on DVD may not play in ‘Windows Media Player’.

Microsoft, Windows and Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

PowerDirector and other company and product names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks used for identifi cation purposes only, and remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.

Video and audio may pause or skip when you play back a DVD disc on your PC. If this occurs, copy the data into your hard disk drive.

-R +R DL -RW


可以透過 DVD 執行媒體(DVD 光碟機)在電腦上播放 VD 光碟。
2.將終結的光碟插入電腦的 DVD 光碟機中。
DVD 播放應用程式軟體開啟,同時光碟將會播放。
如果 DVD 播放應用程式無法自動開啟,可透過 開始選單執行應用程式。
使用與 3 1/2 英吋(8 公分)光碟相容的 DVD 光碟機。
DVD 上錄製的檔案可能無法在「Windows Media Player」中播放。

MicrosoftWindows Windows 標誌是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國和 / 或其他國家的註冊商標。

本手冊中提及的電源導向器和其他公司和產品名稱只 是用於識別目的的註冊商標,並且還是其各自所有者 的專有財產。

在電腦上播放 DVD 光碟時,可能會暫停會跳過視訊和 音訊。如果出現此種情況,可將資訊複製到您的硬碟 機中。

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