Chapter 5 Wireless LAN configurations
Configuring security with the projector
Configure security with the projector by following the steps below.
After configuring the network in “5. Wireless LAN Configurations”
WEP configuration screen
Use the Point ed buttons to select the security type. To disable the security, select “Disable.”
Use the Point 7 8 buttons to move among the items; use the Point ed buttons to adjust settings.
This projector provides the following security options. Use optimum security option on your network environment.
WEP64(40)bit Open
WEP64(40)bit Share WEP128(104)bit Open WEP128(104)bit Share
Notes when entering characters:
The “¥” symbol is displayed as “\” when the ASCII key is used. The “]” symbol is treated as a character by the ASCII key, but it is not interpreted as a character by the HEX key. In HEX, the “]” symbol is displayed in red and setting is denied.
You can not set all the characters with the “]” symbol. This will be considered as no operation.
ASCII key characters : Space - 0 to 9 A to Z a to z ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { } ~
HEX key characters : 0 to 9 a to f