Starting up the browser
Display of main setting page
The following main setting page will be displayed depending on your display mode selection. Perform various kinds of settings through this page. Click on the menus to display the control and setting pages.
zMain setting page in the Standard Mode display
Clock display Display on or off by clicking text ON or OFF
Sub menu tab
S w i t c h e s t h e s u b menu tab.
Page numbers
Switches the pages by clicking the number's tab.
Main menu
For selection of control and setting items of the projector.
Setting page
Displays the control and setting items according to the selected menu.
Returns to Display Mode selection page (☞ p.44)
*To change the screen language, use the initial setting menu (p.48)
✐This Standard mode display is mainly used through this manual for the setting and control description.
✐If your computer does not have the Adobe Flash
Player version 6 or later, follow the message on the control page to install the Adobe Flash Player. For further product information or installing, see the Adobe homepage.