Installation and Use

11.Press and HOLD both the Clean-Reset and On/Off buttons for 5 seconds. The Time to Clean light will blink on and off.











Time to







14.Return the reservoir cover to its original position.

15.Return the upper back wall of the bin to its original position and secure it with the original screws. Push in at bottom to snap it into place.

16.Pour a gallon of hot (95oF. – 115oF.) water into the bin to flush out the drain and melt all ice that was made during the cleaning process. Be sure all ice is melted.

17.Clean the bin liner of mineral scale by using any left over scale remover solution to scrub the scale off of the liner. If none is left over, mix a solution of 2.5 ounces of Clear 1 Scale Remover and 1 quart of water.

12.The auger motor alone will be operating for 10 minutes, after that the compressor will start and in about 5-8 minutes the machine will start to make ice. The Time to Clean light will now glow steady until the clean cycle is complete.

Caution: Keep fingers away from moving parts.

After ice making starts, continuously add scale remover solution to the reservoir to keep it about half full.

When all 16 oz of the the solution is used, move the float valve lever down to the On position.

After 40 minutes the ice machine and all the control panel lights will shut off.

13.Pull the drain plug again to drain the system, then replace it.

18.Rinse the liner with hot water.

19.Sanitize the bin interior.

20.Push and release the On/Off button to restart ice making.

The ice scoop should be washed regularly, wash it just like any other food container.

Other Maintenance

While cleaning the system with scale remover, check for water leaks at the bottom of the evaporator. If any are found, call for service.

Note: It is normal for some lime scale to form on the gear reducer cover. Wipe up any loose scale.

Check the top bearing.

The top bearing is non-metallic and requires no lubrication. However, it should be checked for wear occasionally. The top panel must be removed to access the bearing.

May 2011 Page 16

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Scotsman Ice SCN60 dimensions Both, Other Maintenance