TABLE 15 b
BASE SHAKER | Incorrect volume adjustment. | Adjust the SWITCH UNIT's volume. |
does not react. |
| (see |
| Failure of the AMP or BASE |
| SHAKER | Perform the OUTPUT TEST. (see |
Operability of the | Deviation of the volume value. | Adjust the volume value in the Test mode. |
Steering wheel |
| (see |
(handle) is poor. |
| Volume gear engagement fault. | Adjust the engagement of the gear. |
| (see |
| Volume malfunctioning. | Replace the Volume. (see |
Steering wheel | Failure of | Reconnect the power, and complete a |
(handle) is | procedure. | |
abnormal in its |
| (see 5 Sec. 5,) |
force feedback. It |
is not centered. | The volume is not centered. | Adjust the volume value in the test mode. |
| (see Sec. 8) |
| Failure of the volume. | Replace the volume. (see |
Steering wheel | Aging of the force feedback | Reset in the test mode. (see Sec. 8) |
(handle) is week | mechanism. |
in its force |
feedback. |
Shifter does not | Failure of the switch. | Replace the switch. (see |
operate normally. |
Gas pedal | The volume is not centered. | Adjust the volume value in the test mode. |
(accelletor) and/or |
| (see Sec. 8) |
brake pedal do not |
operate normally. | Failure of the volume. | Replace the volume. (see |
The Fluorescent | The Fluorescent tube is burnt out. | Replace the Fluorescent tube |
lamp does not |
| (see Sec. 13). |
light up. |
Lights integrated | The lamp is burnt out. | Replace the lamp. (see Sec.13) |
with the start |
button and the |
view change |
button do not |
come on. |
Failure of the | Communication cables are | Reconnect the cables. (see |
communication | disconnected. |
play. |
| Communication cables are wrongly | Reconnect the cables correctly. (See |
| connected. |
| Communication play is wrongly set. | Reset correctly. (see |
'ERROR *' is | Setting error in the test mode. | Reset correctly in the test mode according |
displayed. |
| to the product. (see Sec. 8) |