Function parameters for C, X, Yand A(when using as CA key)
*1:Item: Selection: Entry:
AFooter printing Allow 1
Disallow 0
BAmount tendered entry Compulsory 1
Non-compulsory (for the CA or CHK keys) 0
Inhibit (for the CH1 or CH2 key) 0
CEntry digit limit 0-8
Footer printing
This programming decides whether or not the machine should print a message at the foot of a receipt when a
specified media key is used. With regard to programming method of footer logo message, refer to Logo
messages section on page 44.
Amount tendered compulsory
You may select amount tendered, compulsory or optional, for the Aand Ckeys.
You may select amount tendered, compulsory or inhibited, for the Xand Ykey.
Entry digit limit
For the X, Yand Ckeys, program upper limit entry amount for the tendered amount. For the Akey,
program upper limit entry for total cash amount which can be handled on the register. The entry digit limit is
in effect for REG-mode operation but can be overridden in the MGR mode. The entry digit limit is represented
by the number of allowable digits for the maximum entry or total amount. When 0 is set, the operation of the
corresponding key is prohibited.
The register allows you to program text for clerk names, department item names, PLU/subdepartment item
names, if necessary. There are two ways for programming text: using character keys on the keyboard or
entering character codes with numeric keys on the keyboard.
Using character keys on the keyboard
You can enter characters according to the small figures printed in the lower right position of the tops. For the
layout, please refer to Keyboard section on page 5.
The following are used as control keys for character entry:
HToggles between upper-case and lower-case letters. By default, the upper-case letter is selected.
Once the Hkey is pressed, you are locked in for entering lower-case letters. a is displayed when
lower-case letters entry is selected as shown in the operator display example on the following page.
NPress the Nkey to enter numeric characters. For example to enter 1, press the Nand 1
key. If you press the 1key without pressing the Nkey, the cash register goes to character codes
entry mode. Once the Nkey is pressed, you are locked in for entering numeric characters. 1 is
displayed when numeric characters entry is selected as shown in the operator display example on the
following page.
Text Programming
ABC (A:0, B:1, C:8)
018 @
PrintKey operation example
*1ABC or A
To program 0 for all items
To program for another key *2:Press s key for CA key setting.
@s, C, X