17.5. 00 Umschlag_h.fm Gigaset3035isdn A31008-G3035-B101-6-7619 Korrektur: 0

Entering letters, numbers and symbols

Prerequisite: The telephone is in input mode, i.e. you are currently making an
entry, e.g. a name.

Operating principle

The letters allocated to the keys appear on the keys. Press the key repeatedly
until the letter you want appears on the display.
Words automatically begin with an uppercase letter at the start of entry and af-
ter blanks.
Press the relevant key several times
1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x
def 3ëéèê
gh i4ïî
pqr s7ß
t uv8üúùû
wx y z 9
Blank .-0,+:?!
a->A** /()=&@
Correcting inserted characters
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Moves the cursor.
When the end of the message or number is reached, the
cursor scrolls to the start of the new line.
17.5. 00 Umschlag_h.fm Gigaset3035isdn A31008-G3035-B101-6-7619 Korrektur: 0

Quick start guide – Remote operation

Gigaset 3035
Announcement 1
Listen Announcement 2
Advisory msg.
Final announcmt.
Announcement 1
Record  Announcement 2
Advisory msg.
Final announcmt.
Internal info
Help function Settings
 Key functio ns
Gigaset 3035
Back Start Fo rwards
function Pause/Stop Record
ment On/Off Mode
New Delete Status/Help