Issue A1 4 Using the MICROMASTER 410
MICROMASTER 410 Operating Instructions
6SE6400-5EA00-0BP0 47
4.3.2 OFF2This command causes the motor to coast to a standstill (pulses disabl ed).
The OFF2 command can have one or more sources. By default the OFF2
command is set to Operator Panel. This source still exists even if other sources are
defined by one of the following parameters, P0700 to P0704 inclusive.
4.3.3 OFF3An OFF3 command causes the motor to decelerate rapidly.
If a digital input is used as a source for OFF3, the digital input has to be c losed
(high) in order to start the motor. If OFF3 is high, the motor can be started resp.
stopped by re-setting OFF1 or OFF2.
If OFF3 is low the motor cannot be started.
Ø Ramp down time: see P1135
OFF3 can be combined with DC braking or Compound braking.
4.3.4 DC brakingDC braking is possible together with OFF1 and OFF3. A DC current is appli ed to
stop the motor quickly and hold the shaft stationary after the end of the brak ing
Ø Enable DC braking: see P0701 to P0704
Ø Set DC braking period: see P1233
Ø Set DC braking current: see P1232
If no digital input is set to DC braking and P1233 ≠ 0, DC braking will be activ e after
every OFF1 command with the time set in P1233.
4.3.5 Compound BrakingCompound Braking is possible with both OFF1 and OFF3. For Compound Braking
a DC component is added to the AC current.
Set the braking current: see P1236