Advanced Function Programming
3-10 SIMATIC 505–2557 Installation and Operation Guide
Internal Register Structures (continued)
discrete output points consist of Y17 – Y32.
Y17 – Y19 are used to identify the data being transferred. As data is loaded
to the module, the state of these bits identifies the type of data being
transferred (see T
able 3-6). The SIMA
TIC 505–2557 module decodes these
bits and processes the data accordingly
able 3-6
Data Identification Bits
Y19 Y18 Y17 Data Transfer Type
000No operation
001Function enable bits
010Low/High alarm setpoint values
011Scaling low/high values
100Filtering time constant/Number of
addition, Y27 – Y32 are used to reset averaging, reset valley hold values,
reset peak hold values, read peak or valley values, read flags, and to write
data to the module. See Figure 3-5.
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"."/. 1"-$&*$+* (( %**"(. /+*"2 1(0".(+!"!
 (("3%+(! -"."/
"."/ 1(("3 %+(!
 "' %+(! -"."/
"."/ ,"' %+(!
 "! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(!
"! 1(("3 %+(! 1(0".
"! ,"' %+(! 1(0".
 "! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(! +- "! #($.
"! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(! 1(0".
 * +,"-/&+* /%" .//" +#  !"/"-)&*". 2%"/%"-  
-"/0-* ,"'1(("3 !/ +- /%" #($ &/. !"#&*"! &* &$0-"4 #  &. +*
/%"* /%"/3," +#!/ 1(("3%+(! +-,"' %+(!&. ."(" /"!2&/% 
  +*/-+(("- /+)+!0(" !/-"!3 #($
*+ !/
!/-"!3 /+ /-*.#"-
Figure 3-5 Data
ransfer Contr
ol Bits