Internal Register Structures (continued)
Outputs | The discrete output points consist of Y17 ± Y32. |
| Y17 ± Y19 are used to identify the data being transferred. As data is loaded |
| to the module, the state of these bits identifies the type of data being |
| transferred (see Table |
| bits and processes the data accordingly. |
| Table |
Data Transfer Type
| |
0 | 0 | 0 | No operation | |
| |
0 | 0 | 1 | Function enable bits | |
| |
0 | 1 | 0 | Low/High alarm setpoint values | |
| |
0 | 1 | 1 | Scaling low/high values | |
| |
1 | 0 | 0 | Filtering time constant/Number of | |
averages | ||||
| ||
In addition, Y27 ± Y32 are used to reset averaging, reset valley hold values, reset peak hold values, read peak or valley values, read flags, and to write data to the module. See Figure
27 | |
"."/. |
2 (("3 %+(!
"."/ 1(("3 %+(!
2 "' %+(!
"."/ ,"' %+(!
3 "! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(!
"! 1(("3 %+(! 1(0".
"! ,"' %+(! 1(0".
3 "! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(! +- "! #($.
"! #($.
"! ,"' %+(!1(("3 %+(! 1(0".
*+ !/
Figure 3-5 Data Transfer Control Bits
SIMATIC 505±2557 Installation and Operation Guide |