6500 Series Residential Gateway User’s Guide | Monitoring Gateway Health |
Extensive activity logs are provided for advanced troubleshooting and administrative use. The following types of logs are available: System, Firewall, and User Access.
System Logging
System logging displays Gateway status, user login, interfaces accessed, etc. Activity displayed in the system log is defined using the checkboxes provided at the bottom of the window. Click Apply after making any changes. The system log can be cleared or saved to a text file using the appropriate buttons, Clear Log or Save Log.
Firewall Logging
Firewall Logging displays attempts (both failures and successes) to access data through the firewall. Firewall log entries are defined on the Firewall Settings Configuration window found under the Security menu.
User Access
User Access logging displays activity related to users logging in or out of the Gateway. Both successful and unsuccessful attempts by username are recorded.