Non-compressing codecs / Compressing codes:
•Lost packets (per 1000 packets): When the number of lost packets exceeds this maxi- mum value during the observation interval, a report is created.
Default: 10.
•Consecutive lost packets: When the number of lost packets following one another ex- ceeds this maximum value during the observation interval, a report is created.
Default: 2.
•Consecutive good packets: When the number of good packets following one another falls below this minimum value, a report is created.
Default: 8.
•Resend last report: If checked, the previous report is sent once again on pressing Sub- mit.
Value range: "Yes", "No".
Default: "No".
The transmission of report data can be triggered manually by pressing Send now in the local menu.
Administration via WBM
Diagnostics > QoS Reports > Generation
HiPath 8000 - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual |