3.13.1XML Applications (OpenStage 60/80 with V1R3.x upwards) Setup/Configuration
The XML interface enables
Xpressions is a special Unified Communications application which also uses the XML interface.
To set up a new XML application, enter the access data for the application on the server:
The Display name can be defined freely. This name will appear in the applications tab once the application is configured, and it will appear in a newy created tab when the application is running. With Xpressions, this value is predefined as "Xpressions".
The Application name is used by the phone software to identify the XML application running on the phone. With Xpressions, this value is predefined as "Xpressions".
The Protocol for exchanging XML data with the
The Server address is the IP address or domain name of the server which hosts the remote program. Server port number specifies the corresponding port.
Program name specifies the relative path to the servlet or to the first XML page of the applica- tion on the server. The relative path refers to the root directory for documents on the web serv- er. The program name cannot be longer than 100 characters.
XML trace enabled determines whether debugging information is sent to a special debugging program on the remote server. The relative path for the debugging program is given by the De- bug program name parameter.
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