How can I find my product key if I lose it?
Thereare severalplaces to f indy ourproduct key:
lIn SPU (if you activate your product key on your computer).For more information,see Product
keys onpage 3.
lAt smarttech.com/findproductkey.
lIn the e-mailyou received from eithery ourauthorized SMART reselleror SMART
Can I recover my product key if I delete it?
You’reunablet o recovera product key once you deleteit from your system. You need to activate the
softwareagain in SPU by pressingt heA ctivatebutton besidethe product nameand then addingthe
productkey to t heAc tivation dialogbox.
Youcan open SPU from your Start menu(Windows c omputers)or Application menu(Mac
computers),or from your application’sHelp menu.
Formore information,s eeProduct keys on page 3.
When do I reach my activation limit?
Youreach your activation limit when you receive a messages ayingt haty ou’veexc eededthe
activation limit for your productkey. You can purchaseadditional licenses throughyour authorized
SMART reseller(smarttech.com/where).
If I remove and then install my software, do I lose
my activation? Does installing the software again
count as another activation?
No. Youcan activate your softwareas many times as you need,as long asy oudo so onthe same
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