Is a productk ey licensed to a computeror a user? 19
How manyt imescan I activate my SMARTsoftware? 19
Why doesn’t SMARTNotebookMathTools software work when I enter my SMARTNotebook
MathToolssoftware product key? 19
Why doesn’t MixedR eality Tools work when I enter my Mixed Reality Tools product key? 20
How do I activate Mixed Reality Tools? 20
What is the correct productk ey for my SMART softw are? 20
Chapter5: Troubleshooting 23
How do I activate my SMAR T software usingt heAc tivation Wizard? 23
Why isn���t my softw areactiv ating? 24
Why is my productkey invalid? 24
What happensif I expand my purchase from SMART Notebook software to
SMARTClassroomSuitesoftware? 25
Why does the Activating... bubble appearin the system tray? 25
Why doesthe activation status of my SMARTsoftwares ayit expires 90 days afterIactivate
it? 25
How do I activate SMART R esponsesoftware? 25
How do I activate a SMART R esponseVE s ystem? 26
Why didn’t my SMART Response software activate when I connected the receiver? 26
Why does a trial window appearafter I enter my SMART Notebook software product key? 26