Is a productk ey licensed to a computeror a user? 19
How manyt imescan I activate my SMARTsoftware? 19
Why doesn’t SMARTNotebookMathTools software work when I enter my SMARTNotebook
MathToolssoftware product key? 19
Why doesn’t MixedR eality Tools work when I enter my Mixed Reality Tools product key? 20
How do I activate Mixed Reality Tools? 20
What is the correct productk ey for my SMART softw are? 20
Chapter5: Troubleshooting 23
How do I activate my SMAR T software usingt heAc tivation Wizard? 23
Why isn���t my softw areactiv ating? 24
Why is my productkey invalid? 24
What happensif I expand my purchase from SMART Notebook software to
SMARTClassroomSuitesoftware? 25
Why does the Activating... bubble appearin the system tray? 25
Why doesthe activation status of my SMARTsoftwares ayit expires 90 days afterIactivate
it? 25
How do I activate SMART R esponsesoftware? 25
How do I activate a SMART R esponseVE s ystem? 26
Why didn’t my SMART Response software activate when I connected the receiver? 26
Why does a trial window appearafter I enter my SMART Notebook software product key? 26