Chapter 4: Entitlements
What updatesam I entitled to? 15
What can I install on a computerthat is n’t connectedto an interactive whiteboard? 16
What can I install on my home computer? 17
How do I find my take-home productkey f orSMAR T Responses oftware? 18
CanI use a hardware-activatedSMART Response software product key on multiplec omputersor
doI needa receiver in each room? 18
CanI share my productk ey with teachers at different schools? 18
Is a productk ey licensed to a computeror a user? 19
How manyt imescan I activate my SMARTsoftware? 19
Why doesn’t SMARTNotebookMathTools software work when I enter my SMARTNotebook
MathToolssoftware product key? 19
Why doesn’t MixedR eality Tools work when I enter my Mixed Reality Tools product key? 20
How do I activate Mixed Reality Tools? 20
What is the correct productk ey for my SMART softw are? 20
What updates am I entitled to?
TheEducation Software Installer contains freeupdates for SMARTNotebook software,
SMARTResponsesoftware and SMARTNotebookMathTools software. You can also purchase
updatesto SMARTSync s oftwareand SMARTClassroomSuites oftwaref romy ourauthorized
SMART reseller( andinstall t hemwi th the EducationSoftw areInstaller.
Chapter 4