What’s the difference between a product key, an
installation ID and an activation key?
Youreceive a product codewhen you purchaseSMART s oftwareor certain SMART hardware
products.It enablesy out o activate licensed SMART software. You can enter yourproduct key into
theAc tivation Wizard duringor after the installation to activate the software.
In most cases, you don’t needan installation ID or anact ivationk ey to activate your software. You
needan installation ID and an activation key only if an erroroccurs or if you manuallyactiv ate your
If you manuallyact ivate yours oftware, use the Activation Wizard to generatean installation ID for
yourproduct key. The installation ID is associated to the productk ey andto t hec omputeryou used to
generatethe productkey. You’reunable to use the same installation ID on multiple computers.
Tomanually activate your software, you need to providey ourproduct keys and associated
installationID s to SMART by web, phoneor e-mail usingthe Activ ationWiz ard.SMART t hengives
youan activation key for eachproduct key. Each activationk eyis associated with a productkey and
installationID . You can use the activation key only on the computerthat generates the associated
installationID . When you receivet heactiv ationk ey, enterit into the Activation Wizard to complete
theact ivationprocess.
If I remove and then install my software on the
same computer, do I need to activate it again?
Youconsume a license only when you activate the software. If you removeand install your software
onthe same computer, you don’t needto activ atei t againbecause you don’t removethe license from
thec omputerwhen you removet hesoft ware.E ven if you removethe product key from the computer
with the Activation Wizard, and then activate the same productkey on the same computer, you don’t
consumean additionallic ense.
Can I transfer my license from one person or
computer to another?
You’reunablet o transfera license from one personor computer to another.When you activate
SMART software on a computer,you node-lock the license to that computer. Anyonecan use the
computer.When you activate the software on a second computer,y ouc onsumea second license. If
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