How doI deploy specific productkeys t ospecific computers? 9
How do I push multipleproduct keys during installation? 9
ShouldI activ ate my software beforeor after imaging? 10
How do I deploy a productkey w henI install software on Windows computers? 10
How do I deploy only a productkey after I install software on multiple network computers? 11
How do I mix and match my product keys? 11
CanI find out how many activations I’ve used? 12
How do I push out a hardwareactivated SMARTResponses oftwarek ey? 12
CanI use the activation key from a manual activation onmultiple computers? 12
CanI c heckt heactivation status of my SMART productsacross my network? 13
How do I deploy specific product keys to specific
Organizeeach type of computerin groups, and then managethe computersat the grouplevel. For
example,in Act ive Directory, organizeSMARTNotebook software classrooms into one
Organizational Unit (OU) andSMAR T Responses oftwarec lassroomsin another OU, and then use
SMART Install Managerto create an installation customization for each OU.
How do I push multiple product keys during
Thereare differentmethods of pushing multipleproduct keys w henyou install t hesoft wareon
gTo push multiple productkeys during installationon a Wi ndowscomputer
lUse SMART Install Managert o select the productsy ouw ant to install using theirproduct keys.
Chapter 3