Chapter 3: Deploying software product keysto more than one computer
How doI deploy specific productkeys t ospecific computers? 9
How do I push multipleproduct keys during installation? 9
ShouldI activ ate my software beforeor after imaging? 10
How do I deploy a productkey w henI install software on Windows computers? 10
How do I deploy only a productkey after I install software on multiple network computers? 11
How do I mix and match my product keys? 11
CanI find out how many activations I’ve used? 12
How do I push out a hardwareactivated SMARTResponses oftwarek ey? 12
CanI use the activation key from a manual activation onmultiple computers? 12
CanI c heckt heactivation status of my SMART productsacross my network? 13
How do I deploy specific product keys to specific
Organizeeach type of computerin groups, and then managethe computersat the grouplevel. For
example,in Act ive Directory, organizeSMARTNotebook software classrooms into one
Organizational Unit (OU) andSMAR T Responses oftwarec lassroomsin another OU, and then use
SMART Install Managerto create an installation customization for each OU.
How do I push multiple product keys during
Thereare differentmethods of pushing multipleproduct keys w henyou install t hesoft wareon
gTo push multiple productkeys during installationon a Wi ndowscomputer
lUse SMART Install Managert o select the productsy ouw ant to install using theirproduct keys.
Chapter 3