Why doesn’t Mixed Reality Tools work when Ienter my Mixed Reality Tools product key?
MixedR eality Tools is an add-onproduct for SMARTNotebooksoftware. Mixed Reality Tools
requiresits own productkey (prefix MR-) foractivation. SMARTNotebook software requires its own
productkey (prefix NB-) for activation. To activate both Mixed Reality Tools and SMARTNotebook
software, you needto enter and activate both productkeys. To activate only SMARTNotebook
software, enterits product key.
How do I activate Mixed Reality Tools?MixedR eality Tools is an add-onproduct for SMARTNotebooksoftware. You can activate Mixed
Reality Tools eitherby launching the software while a SMARTDocumentCamerais connected or by
enteringa Mixed Reality Tools product key (prefix MR-). Neithert heSMAR TDocumentCamera
productkey nor theMix edReality Tools productkey activ atesSMAR TNotebook software. Youneed
to activate SMARTNotebooks oftwarew ith its own product key (prefix NB-).
What is the correct product key for my SMARTsoftware?Every SMART software product key contains eithera f ive-characteror a two-characterprefix that
identifiesit s type. Most keys activate a single product while a few activate a suite of products.
key prefix
SMART software
SNT10 SMART Response software andSMART Notebook software ( activated by
connectinga SMART R esponsereceiver)
MR Mixed Reality Tools
NB SMAR TNotebooksoftware
NM SMARTNotebookMathTools software
MT SMARTNotebook MathToolssoftware (alsoact ivatesS MARTNotebooksoftware)
MH SMARTNotebookMathTools software (take-homekey)
NS SMAR TNotebookSE software
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